These are the Birker Fell washfolds
WF21 Freeze Beck, Birker Fell
WF22 Crosby Gill, Birker Fell
WF23 Devoke Water
Washfold on Birker Fell on Freeze Beck. The fold is located at SD 18838 96473 at an altitude of 324m above sea level. It is recorded in the National Park Heritage Environment Record as 61089 but not recorded in the Duddon Valley Local History Group survey, Ring Cairns to Reservoirs (R2R) survey in 2009. It is in Cumberland, previously Copeland. Its condition is medium and the certainty that it is a washfold is good.
Constructed from quarried and glacial stones.
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Dimensions: chamber 1- 6.2×5.0m; chamber 2- 5.1×2.4m; pool 3- 9.2×1.5m (beck) x4.5m (extended)
Wall heights: a 1.6m; b 1.6m; c 0.8m; d 1.3m; e 0.9m
Located high on the fell with two chambers. Entrance to chamber 1 through a hog hole. Opening between chambers 1 and 2 and from chamber 2 into the beck. A tumbled wall goes down to the beck where a short wall continues up the bank with obvious signs of a dam. Space for a much larger pool where there is a flattened area into a bank which may or not be a natural rather than an engineered feature. Launching stone above the beck. Capping on the southern wall is cocks and hens which we haven’t seen on other folds
Recorded by: Stephe Cove, Richard and Liz Kingston, Margaret and Frank Dearden and Richard Johnson on 23rd February, 2022
WF22 in Area 7, Crosby Gill, Birker Moor
Washfold on Birker Moor on Crosby Gill. The fold is located at SD 18271 95663 at an altitude of 224m above sea level. It is recorded in the National Park Heritage Environment Record as 61093 but is not recorded in the Duddon Valley Local History Group survey, Ring Cairns to Reservoirs (R2R) survey in 2009. It is in Cumberland, previously Copeland. Its condition is good and the certainty that it is a washfold is good.
Constructed from natural stones largely rounded in shape
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Dimensions: chamber 1- 9.0×9.0m; chamber 2- 5.5×4.0m; pool 3- 9.0×4.5m
Wall heights: a 1.2m; b 1.1m; c 0.9m
There are two chambers, one is much larger than the other. There are three clear openings – a way in to chamber 1, one between the two chambers, and an exit onto the wash platform supported on a revetment beside the beck. The pool is half a metre deep even with only the lower dam. It is surrounded by open fell and with no sign of a gathering wall. The inside of both chambers is heavily overgrown with rush.
Recorded by: Roger & Liz Kingston, Frank & Margaret Dearden, Richard Johnson and Stephe Cove on 23rd February, 2022
Washfold at Washfold Point on Hall Beck. The fold is located at SD 16168 96725 at an altitude of 243m above sea level. It is recorded in the National Park Heritage Environment Record as 61107 but is not recorded in the Duddon Valley Local History Group survey, Ring Cairns to Reservoirs (R2R) survey in 2009. It is in Cumberland, previously Copeland. Its condition is poor to medium and the certainty that it is a washfold is good.
Constructed from stones against a large, irregular outcrop.
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Dimensions: chamber 1- 7.5×6.4m; chamber 2- 7.6×5.4m; pool 3- 3.0×1.5m; pool 4- 4.0×1.0m
Wall heights: a 0.9m; b 0.7m; c 0.6m; d 0.4m; e 3.7m; f 2.5m; g 0.6m
Two chambers of similar size abutting a natural outcrop. Walls made of large natural stone blocks. Entrances to chamber 1 and between chambers 1 & 2 approx 0.8m. Clear exit to pool and a possible exit to a second pool. This second exit has a flat stone which may be a threshold or may have been a stable part of the wall where upper stones have tumbled. Gathering wall to west which starts from large boulder. Both pools have stones in the beck which may indicate a dam has existed. Both sides of the beck have stone revetments – on the far side, the blocks are of a much larger size.
Recorded by: Roger & Liz Kingston, Frank & Margaret Dearden, Richard Johnson and Stephe Cove on 23rd February, 2022