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Walks Overview

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Our Programme of Walks.

In addition to an annual programme of talks, the Group has a programme of history and archaeology themed walks and visits.  These take place over the period October to April. The walks are social rather than strenuous and cover both local and the wider region of the southern Lake District. Walk leaders review places  as we pass and group members contribute their own knowledge and interests to the walk. If you are interested in leading a walk, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us through the addresses at the top of the page.

Walks, to date, have included Urswick and Birkrigg Common, Castlerigg Stone Circle, Samsons Bratful Long Barrow, Heathwaite Bronze Age Settlement, Shap Abbey, Long Meg Stone Circle, Medieval Longhouses in Ennerdale, the Coppermines Valley in Coniston, following in the footsteps of Mary Fair in Eskdale and town trails in Millom and Whitehaven.  Coach outings have visited Vindolanda Roman Fort and the New Lanark Mills World Heritage Site.

Find out more about our next walk…