We have come across four other studies of washfolds, two local Cumbrian ones from 1990 and 2009, one down in Gloucester in 2002 and one from Lancashire in 2007.
Susan Johnson, Ravenglass
A series of washfolds were recorded by Susan between 1985 and 1993 and can be found in Cumbria Archives, Whitehaven under reference YDX 285/1/1-6. The archive contains some typed and handwritten notes with six figure grid references, some drawings and some very poor black and white photographs. Unfortunately, the photographs were not clear enough to make comparisons of how the structures had fared over the last thirty years. Some of the grid references match those of our survey, some are outside the Duddon Valley and some have nothing to show on the map or Google Aerial photographs.
Cotswold Area of Natural Beauty
Steve Clarke’s study referenced in Gloucestershire and we found the following link:
Sheepwashes in the Cotswolds AONB
We have been in contact and have received a few survey page but haven’t been get hold of a copy as yet. We are still trying. It will be interesting to see if there are differences in the practices of a largely lowland area with those familiar in the fells.
Chipping Local History Society
The society have printed a book of their research available afrom their website for £5.00. It has a lot of old photographs of washfolds in the area of Bowland and Chipping. It includes information about the way dipping was a social occasion with several farms getting together as a joint enterprise. There is more about sheep farming practices such as salving and shearing.
It was borrowing a copy of this book from John Hudson at Whetstonecroft that inspired the Duddon Valley group to go in search of washfolds in our own area.
Steve Clarke, Gosforth
His project completed a survey from Ennerdale to the Duddon Valley.
Download his report by clicking on the cover photo.
Here is the current list of sites included in the three surveys that we have accessed – Duddon Valley History Group (DVLHG), Steve Clarke (S.C.) and Susan Johnson (S.J.)